Tuesday, September 22, 2009


10 power cleans, 135#
200m run
9 power cleans, 135#
200m run
8 power cleans, 135#
200m run
7 power cleans, 135#
200m run
6 power cleans, 135#
200m run
5 power cleans, 135#
200m run
4 power cleans, 135#
200m run
3 power cleans, 135#
200m run
2 power cleans, 135#
200m run
1 power clean, 135#
200m run


  1. 12:34
    it was pointed out to me by Lu Crenshaw of Crossfit allegience in Medford OR that many, if not all, my reps were pretty much being reverse curled. I saw a clip of the video I took doing it and the bar path is def not vertical and I can clearly see the swing as I pull with my arms. This would not work with heavy weight and I'm sure this issue would go away as soon as I get under the bar in a power or squat clean. But in any case, I must qualify my time with my being dissatisfied with my attempt to speed up the workout over doing a legit power clean.

  2. 12:51! Yes I beat Sun AND Joe! whoop!
