Sunday, May 17, 2009


Weighted Pullup

If you do not have a pullup yet, time will be spent working on the technique of the kipping pullup with or without band assistance.

The top three photos correctly show the mechanics of the push-press. Only when the chest doesn't bob forward can maximum power be delivered vertically whether cleaning, jerking/push-pressing, or leaping vertically.

In the past we've expressed the mechanical advantage of the upright torso by tracing the path of the hip in the clean, describing the alignment of the load, hip, and base in the push-press, showing the launch point of the clean and push-press/jerk, and depicting various trajectories in common jumps.


  1. I will try to start including more information for you all to see, mostly coming from older posts. There is so much amazing information on that site I recommend to you all to spend some checking it out. Also the crossfit journal is a fantastic resource and at only $25 for a years' subscription, which includes every previous article, I don't think there is a more valuable or better value out there for information regarding fitness.

  2. I agree completely, thanks Andy.

  3. 35-45-50-60-65-70-80-70-70-70
