Monday, May 25, 2009


If anyone is interested in playing kickball maybe once a week or so let me know here in the comments protion. im thinking thursday night and starting at 6:30 after the group class or even starting at 5:30 and doing that instead of the class. We'd most likely have a bbq style situation and definitely involve some beer. This would also be a bring your family/friends deal and I'm sure i could bring some battling ropes for tug-o-war tabata style or something fun and crossfitty...


  1. That would be awsome Andy! Im down for that.

  2. Um yeah! Kickball sounds fabulous! (with beer of course, you know me ;)

  3. I'm totally in for some kickball!!! I was the kickball champ in 3rd grade so better watch out!

  4. Are we starting Kickball today or later on?

  5. I think he is thinking Thursday evenings after the 5:30 class, but don't quote me on that! And of course I am in Andy!
