Wednesday, July 22, 2009


10 Rounds for time of:
10 Pullups
10 Ring dips

Beginning the 1st week in August we may look at going with a 6pm class instead of the 5:30 and possibly even going at 5pm and 6pm to accommodate some new guys. Please post to comments any questions or concerns or see me in person.

Also, due to the heat we're looking at a few options... offering earlier classes, possibly 6am,7am, 9am and 10am then the 5pm,6pm for those who can't make it and/or like the 90+ degree heat. Second option is a swamp cooler. We are working on this anyways but if anyone is comfortable with paying a month or two in advance for their memberships fees to help us afford this sooner that would be fantastic. Again, see me at the gym to discuss.
Thanks!! Andy


  1. Andy,

    I would be down with a 5pm class once my schedule changes in August. I would even hit up a 7am once or twice a week.


  2. I am all for the early A.M. till it cools down some.
